Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Patty Pan Squash AKA: Scallop Squash

Patty Pan Squash AKA: Scallop Squash

Every Summer I look forward to the different Summer Squashes. One of my favorites is Patty Pan Squash.
I buy mine at Local Farm Stand or Farmers Markets. I have never seen Patty Pan Squash at my 
local Food ~ Grocery Store.
Patty Pan Squash has a creamy texture and is simple to prepare to cook.
Look for bright Yellow,, some will have little spots of green. 
Buy the desired amount that you need.

Pattypan squash is a varietal group of summer squash notable for its round and shallow shape, 
and scalloped edges, somewhat resembling a flying saucer. The name "pattypan" derives from 
"a pan for baking a patty". 
Its French name, pâtisson, derives from a Provençal word for a cake made in a scalloped mould.

Wash and Towel dry the Patty Pan Squash.
Cut of the stem and other end.
Cut into Wedges ~ size of your choice
Heat a Large Non-Stick Skillet over medium/high heat
Melt 2 Tablespoons of Butter
Add 1 Tablespoon of EVOO
Add Minced Garlic to taste, cook for one minute.

You can Sautee Chopped Onion, Bell Peppers and or Mushrooms for added flavor.
I kept mine basic and simple to accompany the meal I was cooking

Add the Patty Pans to the Skillet and toss around
Season with Salt and Pepper to taste. Add any other seasonings of choice.
I added Italian Seasoning.
Sauté over medium/high heat until Caramelized
Takes about 15 Minutes
Cook to desired firmness.
Use a fork to test the texture
Serve with Grated Parmesan Cheese


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